Writing Goals for 2024

Every year I like to set goals for myself and I try very hard to accomplish them all. Writing them out helps keep me motivated. Last year, I posted a list of my writing goals so now’s a good time to review them to see if I succeeded in meeting them.

Last year’s goals

  1. To complete work on “Forgotten Monsters #3” and release it in September.
  2. To complete edits on the first book of my new series.
  3. To complete edits on the second book of my new series.
  4. To write books #3 and #4 in this new series.
  5. To write a new short story to give away for free.

Did I accomplish them?

Yes! I’m happy to say that I completed all five of these goals. Well, sort of. “Preying Monsters” came out in October instead of September, but I released it so I think it counts.

On goals #2 and #3, work is officially done on “Red Flags” and I’ve also pretty much completed edits on the second book of “The Álvarez-Moreno Files.” On goal #4, I also wrote books #3 and #4 in this new series, though they’re in various stages of edits right now. I feel like #3 is pretty close to being done, which is a relief, but book #4 is currently going through some major revisions. I was, admittedly, a little worried after doing the first read-through of #4, but I think the edits are really helping. I tend to be a pantser lately so not everything always makes sense or flows correctly in the first draft. I also tend to be an under-writer, and I think that actually helps make the editing part easier for me.

For my final goal, I managed to finish work on the new short story, “The World is Definitely Not Ending,” which I will be giving away for free to newsletter subscribers in just a few short weeks. So it was a very busy writing year for me but I’m super pleased with the way things have turned out.

What’s in store for 2024?

In order to hold myself accountable, here are a few writing goals I want to accomplish in 2024. We’ll revisit them next January to make sure I did what I said I would (or else)!

  1. To release “Red Flags” on February 5 and try out some new marketing tactics (such as, unfortunately, utilizing social media a little more). I’ve mentioned before, but I don’t want to use paid newsletters just yet. Once I have more books out, I will, but it’s too soon. So I’m going to try to find new creative ways to market.
  2. To write book #5 in “The Álvarez-Moreno Files.” I’m still editing book #4 so I think I can start book #5 in February and hopefully have a first draft done by June, or July at the latest.
  3. To release book #2 in September. I will likely want to do another read-through of the book before sending it to my editor later this spring. I just want to make sure nothing major needs to be changed, but I think it’s in good shape. This may be my favorite book I’ve written, so I really can’t wait to share it.
  4. To complete edits on book #3. Again, I think this book is in fairly good shape now but it may need another pass or two. I need to get it off to my editor this fall so that I can release it early next year.
  5. To begin work on my next project. It’s weird to be thinking about this considering “Red Flags” hasn’t even been released yet and the series won’t wrap up before 2026. But I have some ideas for what I want to do post-“The Álvarez-Moreno Files,” and now’s the time to write it so I can stay on a consistent writing/release schedule.

I’ve given myself quite a bit to do this year, so I better get to work!

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